Quote of the Day

“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.”

-G.K. Chesterton

Maybe this is a strange quote to start out a blog about religion, but I’m leaving it here. Why? Because I like it….and because I think it’s relevant to every Christian. We all know that Satan exists; it takes no effort to find ugliness in this world best attributed to an evil adversary. It does, however, take effort to prevent ourselves from being lulled into complacency, from being sucked in to the deception that this evil is something we can ignore or are powerless against. This is not the case. Our job as Christians, first and foremost, is to be witnesses of God’s grace and mercy, and secondly, to be prayerfully alert to the reality of evil. We’ve all grown up memorizing the “Armor of God” passage in Ephesians 6, where we are commanded to “take our stand”  against the devil. How might we do that if we’re not tuned in to the desires of God enough to recognize when something is wrong?  The fact of the matter is that our principle battle is a spiritual one, and can be fought only with the power of God that is extended to us as we depend on his Spirit, though prayer and devotion to his Word. And similarly to the quote above, the Word of God brings us an important message:: not that our enemy merely exists, but that he can be vanquished–that he has been vanquished–and the battle is won. This book, the Bible, is a book of incredible promise, that God has extended his grace and mercy to us, so that we who have been made alive in Christ will share in His victory!